About this Database

Duke’s Research Funding site provides an extensive, curated database of internal and external funding opportunities of interest to the Duke research community. The site is provided by the Duke Office for Research & Innovation.

Opportunities are curated from a variety of sources and include funding announcements from federal, foundation, industry, professional association, and Duke internal sponsors. The data are maintained and updated by the Duke Office of Research Initiatives.

The weekly Duke Funding Alert newsletter published through this site provides information on all new and updated grants and fellowships added to the database during the prior week. Additionally, subscribe to pre-curated searches or any saved searches to receive weekly email notifications with opportunities that have been added or updated that meet the search parameters. These features are only available to Duke researchers, so be sure to login using your Duke credentials to save searches or subscribe.

To suggest an opportunity, sponsor, or topic area, or to get more information, please reach out to us using our contact form.